
Facebook Update - New API For Monitoring Comments Replies

Today we talk about facebook new API upate for Monitoring Comments replies. so as you have noticed facebook introduced threaded comments to posts on fan pages, as you know this Feature is very important and use full for fan pages. it made conversations much more organized, and make more  easy way to readable. Just a week after launching comment replies on Facebook, the social network updated its API Wednesday to help brands better monitor and respond to them In a post on its developer blog, Facebook product engineer Alex Madjar says developers can now set up different comment "views" on posts. Using this, you can monitor and respond to comments and replies on your Page.

Updates to the API

This update comments API now provides developers with different 'views' of the comments on your page. There are three basic views; Top Level Comments, Replies and Comment Streams.

Top Level Comments:- These are individual comments to the post itself, and not replied to any comment. This view is called "top level". The comments in this view might be ranked on the basis of their quality, replies, and some other factors.

Replies:- This view, called "replies" fetches replies to an individual comment of a post.

Comment Streams:- "stream" will return all top level comments and their replies in a chronological order, so the top level comments here won't be ranked.

FQL Commands

For Top Level Comments

The first view of the comments on a post is called "top level". The comments that are on the post (and are not replies to individual comments) are called "top level comments." Top level comments may be ranked, depending on the post and the number of top level comments on that post so far.
SELECT id, fromid, time, text, likes

FROM comment

WHERE object_id={object_id} AND parent_id='0'

For Replies

SELECT id, fromid, time, text, likes

FROM comment

WHERE parent_id={comment_id}

For Comments Streams

Another view of the comments on a post is the "stream". The comments "stream" gives all comments (top level and replies to comments) together. The "stream" view provides comments in chronological order, so it's easy for you to just get what's new.

SELECT id, fromid, time, text, likes

FROM comment

WHERE object_id={object_id}


Any Trouble?

Threaded comments only enable on these pages which have 1000+ fans. but don't be silly this option turned on by default all pages after 9 june. so if you have any question you can also read facebook developer blog, also check out the docomentation for this api for the detailed instruction.