Showing posts with label Facebook Tricks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Facebook Tricks. Show all posts

How To Delete or Clear Facebook Search History

Facebook-users-can-now-delete-Search-History-2When you do Facebook search and you see your partner ex profile or the other way,  even you see your old friend profile when you delete him and they both are not in your life right now. You must see the date you had share with them. when you share something on his/her wall like a song, dirty pic and some snaps may be you had together. The Social Network Facebook stores every single term you enter in the search box. Although the privacy setting for this data is set to "only you," you may feel uncomfortable having that info hanging around. If so, you still never know when your friends might get into your account, Which is something  you definitely don't want!. It's a simple process to delete it and clear your creeper Facebook search history. If anyone check your wall or your Facebook search history you must feel embarrass to yourself. If you had share something nice to your lover you feel happy and sad to remember that.  So you don't want to remember your idiot mistakes you had that time.


I Think Now your final step is deleting your Facebook search history.


If you want to delete your Facebook Search History,  just follow the steps below.


  • Open your Activity Log. You can be found by going Timeline or wall, and clicking on the Activity Log button underneath your cover photo.



  • Next just Look to your left sidebar, and under "Photos", and "Likes", you'll see a "More" button. Click on “more” Link.



  • Find Search from the list. It'll be at the end of list. by clicking on search link it will show you everything you've searched for.



  • Only you can see your searches, and they're used to show you more relevant results. You will also see an option to Clear Searches at the top of page.


Are you sure you want to clear all your searches? Just click on Clear Searches, and your entire search history will be removed without any doubt.


Note:- Once you go ahead with the removed, you can't bring your search history back. So do it only if you have some embarrassing searches to your credit.


More Things About Facebook

In short our point of view is that if you did such kind of mistakes and when  you learn your lesson about your mistakes . you should clear post history from face book and more important is block that person and trying to avoid contact with his/her friends. This how you cover  your mistakes . for future don't do such mistakes because Facebook is a social place and how anyone granted to each other.

In the comments below, let us know if you plan to delete your Facebook search history, or if you find it useful. if you have any question, please feel free to ask in the comments section below.

Add Facebook Recommendation bar to blogger blog

fb-recommend-bar-for-blogger The recommendations bar lets people like content, get recommendations and share what they’re reading with their friends. Facebook is probably the largest social networking website in the world. This is the reason why most of the corporate companies utilize Facebook for marketing their material and making it go viral on Social media. Facebook provides various ways of making your content go viral through Facebook like box, Facebook comments, Facebook like button. The recommendation bar is not something new, in fact you see it on many websites, including on It’s that box that appears to the right side of your blog or website with links to articles on your site, offered as ‘recommended for reading’ to your visitors. This is a good approach to adopt if you want to increase your pageviews, but bear in mind that not all visitors would like to be interrupted with such a floating box.

Step 1. Create Facebook Application

Before you can use the Facebook plugin for blogger, go to the Facebook App page and click on the button Create New App.

1. Go to facebook Developer Page.

2. and create app like setting below.

Create Apps for Recommendation bar

3. Enter the captcha security code. Click Continue.

Just click Website with Facebook Login tab and inside the box input your blog URL. See the screenshot below. Do not touch remaining options and click Save Changes.

add your website home page link

Now you will land of a new page which would provide you your application details like App ID, App Secret and etc. You need to copy “app ID” and enter them later. ( See Screenshot above )

Step 2. Add It To Blogger

1. Go to you blogger Dashboard>>Template>>edit html

2. Search for this code.


3. Replace with below code.

<html xmlns:fb=''

  • This will make the recommendation bar compatible in older versions of  browsers also.

4. Paste the Following below code before closing < body /> tag.

<div id='fb-root'/>


//Facebook Recommendation bar


(function(d, s, id) {

  var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];

  if (d.getElementById(id)) return;

  js = d.createElement(s); = id;

  js.src = "//***************";

  fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);

}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));



<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'><b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;static_page&quot;'><div style='z-index:999999; position:absolute;'>

<fb:recommendations-bar action='like' max_age='0' num_recommendations='3' read_time='5' side='right' site='' trigger='30%'/></div>


You are almost done. Make these changes:

  • Just replace *************** with your 15 digit App Id that you saved in step1.

  • and replace with your blog home page link.

  • and save it.. you are done!!!...

More Editing in code above

The plugin is expanded once the trigger parameter requirements are met, and the person has been on the page for at least the duration specified in the read_time parameter. There are three values for the trigger parameter:

  • onvisible. The plugin is expanded when people scroll past the exact point where the <fb:recommendations-bar /> tag is placed on the page. This is the simplest option and will work best if you place the tag right at the end of your article's main content. This is the default.

  • X%, where X is any positive integer less than or equal to 100. This specifies the percent of the page that must be scrolled before the plugin is expanded. For example: 100% would indicate that people need to scroll all the way to the end of the page before the plugin expands. 50% indicates that people need to scroll to the middle point of the page.

  • manual. Use this option to manually trigger the plugin. When you want to trigger the plugin, callFB.XFBML.RecommendationsBar.markRead(href); in JavaScript. The href parameter is optional and will default to the current page if not set. If provided, it must match the href parameter on the XFBML tag. The manual trigger is useful when you have more a multipage article. For example on a three-page article, you would add trigger="manual" on pages one and two and never call the markRead JavaScript function on those pages.

The read_time parameter tells the plugin to wait a certain amount of time before it expands. It takes an integer representing the number of seconds. By default this will be set to 30 seconds. The minimum is 10 seconds. Note that in order for the plugin to expand, the trigger condition must be true, and the read_time must be met.

The Above Documentation Provided by Facebook Developer Team..

Save your template and see the plugin work correctly. If any thing went wrong just your post query below in comments. I will reply back as soon as time allow. I hope the installation was very simple adn easy. Happy Blogging..!!

Add Facebook Sliding Like Box with jQUERY To blogger blog

Facebook Sliding Like Box Would be not wrong if I say you already use facebook like box for your facebook page at your website/blog. But they don’t have any kind of effect they just live at your website/blog like a simple widget. It’s about how to add a pop out facebook like box with slide effect. I found a script online that adds a floating Facebook button to right side of your blogs or websites. The button upon clicking slides towards left revealing a Facebook Like Box. It is an excellent coded slider that Hides the Likebox inside a container and reveals it only when visitors hovers the cursor on the floating button.


View Live Preview



Add Like Box To Blogger Blog


1. Go To your Blogger Dashboard>>Template>> Edit HTML

2. and click on HTML Code then press CTRL+F and Find the Following code.


3. and paste the following jquery link before </head>

<script src=""></script>

4. Find the following code.


5. and paste the following code before/above </body>

<style type='text/css'>
#fbplikebox{display: block;padding: 0;z-index: 99999;position: fixed;}
.fbplbadge {background-color:#3B5998;display: block;height: 150px;top: 50%;margin-top: -75px;position: absolute;left: -47px;width: 47px;background-image: url('');background-repeat: no-repeat;overflow: hidden;-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 8px;-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 8px;-moz-border-radius-topleft: 8px;-moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 8px;border-top-left-radius: 8px;border-bottom-left-radius: 8px;}
<script type='text/javascript'>
var $dur = 'medium'; // Duration of Animation
w2b('#fbplikebox').css({right: -250, 'top' : 350 })
w2b('#fbplikebox').hover(function () {
right: 0
}, $dur);
}, function () {
right: -250
}, $dur);
<div id='fbplikebox' style='display:none;'>
<div class='fbplbadge'></div>
<iframe src=';width=250&amp;height=260&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;show_faces=true&amp;border_color=%23C4C4C4&amp;stream=false&amp;header=false' scrolling='no' frameborder='0' style='border:none; overflow:hidden; width:250px; height:260px;background:#FFFFFF;' allowtransparency='true'></iframe>

6. Replace “Bloggertricks” with you facebook page user name highlighted above in blue.

7. Click on save button and take your blog new look..

Visit your Blogs to see it floating at the right side of your webpage.  The widget  was created by Harish and we reshared at BLOGGERTRICKS. If you wish to change the direction, width, height, background. of the Likebox or make the image changes then do let me know.  Thanks for reading our post.

how to Add FACEBOOK Like/Fan Box Using JAVASCRIPT SDK

Facebook_fan_box_using_java_script Today we will learn how to add a face book like box by using javascript to Bloggers Blog. Social networking websites like Face book, Twitter and Google+ are providing the custom follow and like boxes which helps every blogger. Now social networks are one the most important part of blogging. Face book like box help you to extend your reach and connect to the audience by proving them a mean to join you on face book. It does not only help you to grow your community but traffic as well. If people like your content they will voluntary like your Face book page. Facebook like box allows your visitors to join you easily and they don't have to find you manually. Face book developers have made this thing very easy to integrate a Face book like box in to your Blog by adding a few lines of code in it. We have already covered in our previous article how you can add a Face book like/fan box to blogger blog using Iframe.. you can see live demo on sidebar of our blog.


Add It To Blogger


1. First you need to go Face book Developer Page & Create your fan box by using your page user name and page id. (Get your Face book page user name & id URL by Visiting your Face book fan page.)



2. Set other parameters such as width, height and stream. The Preview on the right will update itself as you enter the changes.

3. Click on get code (you will get code look like screenshot below)



4. Go To Blogger Dashboard>> Template>>Edit HTML

5. Press CTRL+F and Find the Following code. “</body>”

6. and paste 1st code before/above </body>

7. finally click on save and you are done first step.

8. Go to your blogger layout and click on add a gadget and choose HTML/JavaScript

9. Paste 2nd code in text area.

10 write your Desired name in title section( If you hide face book like box Header while you creating this. if you no hide while you creating like box so your don’t need write gadget title.)

11. Finally click on save take new look of your blog..


For Further Help See Video Tutorial. Enjoy!  Adding this widget is surely easy but still if you encountered any troubles just post your query below in comment box and I would love to reply back as soon as time allow thanks for reading our post. happy blogging..!!

5 Major Ways of maximum utilization of Facebook to acquire the maximum marketplace

Facebook Guest Post - Our host is Nilmoni Basak ,  has some well explained tips for Maximum Utilization of facebook to acquire the maximum marketplace. Become a guest author on Blogger Tricks.

Facebook is becoming the most powerful social media for marketers to gain more and more customer attraction and build their brand image. Google is digging deeper into its technology toolkit to turn its social networking service into a formidable threat to Facebook, sprucing up its photo features at the time when sharing snapshots online and on mobile gadgets and is also adding more features to become the most powerful search engines. The enormous applications of facebook like sharing, grouping, acquiring likes, news feed, applications, messaging, events, invitation photos and videos uploads provide so much applicable to business person that it builds the brand image of the product or company even before its launch.
Facebook commerce can be very successful; however, monetizing followers within the social arena goes beyond simply creating a fan page and passively waiting for customers to come around. So what is the real problem with social commerce? Most do not know how to successfully utilize it to the utmost level to maximize profits. So here are some tips for you, follow them and get the highest payoff from your business.


Step 1: Create a Facebook Fan Page

Even though creating a fan page will enable you to gain exposure, it does not guarantee in any way that this alone will affect your sales. Creating a Facebook fan page for your business and just "being there" is not enough. You are still required to gather fans by any means possible to expose them to your products and services. So you can encourage purchasing behavior besides offering eBooks for new “likes”.


Step 2: Install a Pre-Made Shopping Cart on Your Fan Page

Installing a shopping cart on your fan page makes it easier for users to purchase directly off the platform (they never have to exit the Facebook site), but it also serves a huge purpose for your business: all purchases are now social. “Liking” your business can be seen by friends and even friends of friends. But when a Facebook user actually makes a purchase, this has a much greater impact. Anyone can purchase in a store or on a website, but announcing it on Facebook gives your business additional attention and credibility every time a transaction is completed .


Step 3: Going Beyond the Shopping Cart

Facebook shopping cart providers offer additional options to go beyond the basics of Facebook and tap into additional practices that lead to healthy social purchasing behavior. If you find a provider that also offers a Facebook marketplace, you can increase your visibility even more; especially to those that are directly interested in what you have to offer. A limited amount of providers offer a marketplace option. An online word-of-mouth sales force comprised of popular individuals and groups with a large following can surely be influential. By creating recommendations and reviews, these networkers can motivate other users to purchase.

Step 4: Post regularly and respond to all comments

Posting at random or not regularly enough can leave a negative impression on your page visitors and affect your reach. Also, posting too frequently can have an adverse effect on your Page engagement. Find your rhythm by testing your frequency and watching your numbers to optimize engagement. Creating a Content calendar can help you stay on track and makes the process easier to manage. Respond to ALL comments and make sure your settings ( under Manage Permissions) allows for people to post on your Page and your Page has turned on ”messages”, so that people can send you private messages.


Step 5: Use all Facebook features and cross promote your brand


  • Post Targeting
  • Pinned posts
  • Featured Likes
  • Custom Tabs
  • Events
  • Post Scheduler
  • Offers
  • Promoted Posts
  • Milestone

To increase your Page visibility, you need to tell people about it. Don’t forget to link your personal Profile to your Page. Promote your Page on


  • Other Social Networks
  • Your Webstie
  • Business Cards
  • Marketing Material
  • Events
  • News Letters

Recently, before the launch of new Bengali multicuisine restaurant called Dhekur in Bangalore on Nov2012, it engaged in Facebook marketing to promote its brand by uploading a snapshot of their daily recipes with a description of the ingredients, their upcoming services and their ambience features and updating their status regularly. The result was that the restaurant gained an awesome after launch success response as it would have been without this approach.

Facebook Update - New API For Monitoring Comments Replies

Today we talk about facebook new API upate for Monitoring Comments replies. so as you have noticed facebook introduced threaded comments to posts on fan pages, as you know this Feature is very important and use full for fan pages. it made conversations much more organized, and make more  easy way to readable. Just a week after launching comment replies on Facebook, the social network updated its API Wednesday to help brands better monitor and respond to them In a post on its developer blog, Facebook product engineer Alex Madjar says developers can now set up different comment "views" on posts. Using this, you can monitor and respond to comments and replies on your Page.

Updates to the API

This update comments API now provides developers with different 'views' of the comments on your page. There are three basic views; Top Level Comments, Replies and Comment Streams.

Top Level Comments:- These are individual comments to the post itself, and not replied to any comment. This view is called "top level". The comments in this view might be ranked on the basis of their quality, replies, and some other factors.

Replies:- This view, called "replies" fetches replies to an individual comment of a post.

Comment Streams:- "stream" will return all top level comments and their replies in a chronological order, so the top level comments here won't be ranked.

FQL Commands

For Top Level Comments

The first view of the comments on a post is called "top level". The comments that are on the post (and are not replies to individual comments) are called "top level comments." Top level comments may be ranked, depending on the post and the number of top level comments on that post so far.
SELECT id, fromid, time, text, likes

FROM comment

WHERE object_id={object_id} AND parent_id='0'

For Replies

SELECT id, fromid, time, text, likes

FROM comment

WHERE parent_id={comment_id}

For Comments Streams

Another view of the comments on a post is the "stream". The comments "stream" gives all comments (top level and replies to comments) together. The "stream" view provides comments in chronological order, so it's easy for you to just get what's new.

SELECT id, fromid, time, text, likes

FROM comment

WHERE object_id={object_id}


Any Trouble?

Threaded comments only enable on these pages which have 1000+ fans. but don't be silly this option turned on by default all pages after 9 june. so if you have any question you can also read facebook developer blog, also check out the docomentation for this api for the detailed instruction.