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Would be not wrong if I say you already use facebook like box for your facebook page at your website/blog. But they don’t have any kind of effect they just live at your website/blog like a simple widget. It’s about how to add a pop out facebook like box with slide effect. I found a script online that adds a floating Facebook button to right side of your blogs or websites. The button upon clicking slides towards left revealing a Facebook Like Box. It is an excellent coded slider that Hides the Likebox inside a container and reveals it only when visitors hovers the cursor on the floating button.
1. Go To your Blogger Dashboard>>Template>> Edit HTML
2. and click on HTML Code then press CTRL+F and Find the Following code.
3. and paste the following jquery link before </head>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
4. Find the following code.
5. and paste the following code before/above </body>
<style type='text/css'>
#fbplikebox{display: block;padding: 0;z-index: 99999;position: fixed;}
.fbplbadge {background-color:#3B5998;display: block;height: 150px;top: 50%;margin-top: -75px;position: absolute;left: -47px;width: 47px;background-image: url('https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiIqF9i3F2Sg5ptxB5Wg97HI8pzpRWnsMi-FOtoU6kwICrNeZeOnoIPEwpFNR_9LgmFNi7CP8FePjKkb4d4eYENToqVrTR94QZryqO_BMd7C0AGPokcVsOJdF7uw6mMz3BwkltNiU3OBIeq/s1600/w2b_vertical-right.png');background-repeat: no-repeat;overflow: hidden;-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 8px;-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 8px;-moz-border-radius-topleft: 8px;-moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 8px;border-top-left-radius: 8px;border-bottom-left-radius: 8px;}
<script type='text/javascript'>
var $dur = 'medium'; // Duration of Animation
w2b('#fbplikebox').css({right: -250, 'top' : 350 })
w2b('#fbplikebox').hover(function () {
right: 0
}, $dur);
}, function () {
right: -250
}, $dur);
<div id='fbplikebox' style='display:none;'>
<div class='fbplbadge'></div>
<iframe src='http://www.facebook.com/plugins/likebox.php?href=http%3A%2F%2Ffacebook.com%2Fbloggertricks&width=250&height=260&colorscheme=light&show_faces=true&border_color=%23C4C4C4&stream=false&header=false' scrolling='no' frameborder='0' style='border:none; overflow:hidden; width:250px; height:260px;background:#FFFFFF;' allowtransparency='true'></iframe>
6. Replace “Bloggertricks” with you facebook page user name highlighted above in blue.
7. Click on save button and take your blog new look..
Visit your Blogs to see it floating at the right side of your webpage. The widget was created by Harish and we reshared at BLOGGERTRICKS. If you wish to change the direction, width, height, background. of the Likebox or make the image changes then do let me know. Thanks for reading our post.
Today we will learn how to add a face book like box by using javascript to Bloggers Blog. Social networking websites like Face book, Twitter and Google+ are providing the custom follow and like boxes which helps every blogger. Now social networks are one the most important part of blogging. Face book like box help you to extend your reach and connect to the audience by proving them a mean to join you on face book. It does not only help you to grow your community but traffic as well. If people like your content they will voluntary like your Face book page. Facebook like box allows your visitors to join you easily and they don't have to find you manually. Face book developers have made this thing very easy to integrate a Face book like box in to your Blog by adding a few lines of code in it. We have already covered in our previous article how you can add a Face book like/fan box to blogger blog using Iframe.. you can see live demo on sidebar of our blog.
1. First you need to go Face book Developer Page & Create your fan box by using your page user name and page id. (Get your Face book page user name & id URL by Visiting your Face book fan page.)
2. Set other parameters such as width, height and stream. The Preview on the right will update itself as you enter the changes.
3. Click on get code (you will get code look like screenshot below)
4. Go To Blogger Dashboard>> Template>>Edit HTML
5. Press CTRL+F and Find the Following code. “</body>”
6. and paste 1st code before/above </body>
7. finally click on save and you are done first step.
8. Go to your blogger layout and click on add a gadget and choose HTML/JavaScript
9. Paste 2nd code in text area.
10 write your Desired name in title section( If you hide face book like box Header while you creating this. if you no hide while you creating like box so your don’t need write gadget title.)
11. Finally click on save take new look of your blog..
For Further Help See Video Tutorial. Enjoy! Adding this widget is surely easy but still if you encountered any troubles just post your query below in comment box and I would love to reply back as soon as time allow thanks for reading our post. happy blogging..!!
Recently I decided to go through my site and look for things that I felt it was missing. I noticed was that I lacked a one-click process to allow folks to follow me on Twitter. I used to have a Twitter link in my sidebar, and plan to leave it there – but I strategically identified a location I thought might be a good place for the Twitter “Follow” button. I’m not sure if this will distract folks from signing up for my newsletter, but there’s only one way to find out. I don’t see anything wrong with experimenting, right? we’ve promised you that we’d be share things that I do here on our blog. It only makes sense to explain how I do the things I do, so that you can benefit as well. I searched how to add a Twitter “Follow” button and found that this was extremely easy to do. Thankfully Twitter has such great documentation for developers. If you’re geeky and want to check out the comprehensive explanation (and parameters) you can header over the developer page on adding a “Follow” button. Below is the code you can use to display various “Follow” buttons. Obviously you’ll want to replace the bl0ggertricks mentions with your own Twitter username. See Screenshot below and above…
1. Go to your Blogger Dashboard>> Template>> Edit HTML
2. Press CTRL+F and find the following code.
3. and paste the following code below/after <data:post.body/>
<a href=http://twitter.com/bl0ggertricks class="twitter-follow-button">Follow
<script src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Replace bl0ggertricks with your twitter user name.
4. Save your widget and you are done!
1. Go to your Blogger Dashboard>> Template>> Edit HTML
2. Press CTRL+F and find the following code.
<div class='post-header-line-1'> </div>
or this.
<div class='post-header-line-1'/>
3. and paste the follow code below/after <div class='post-header-line-1'/> or <div class='post-header-line-1'>
<a href=http://twitter.com/bl0ggertricks class="twitter-follow-button">Follow
<script src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Replace bl0ggertricks with your twitter user name.
4. Save your widget and you are done!
1. Go to Blogger Dashboard>> Layout >> Add a Gadget
2. Choose HTML/Javascript Widget
3. Paste the following code inside it and drag the widget to add your button to any location you want.
<a href=http://twitter.com/bl0ggertricks class="twitter-follow-button">Follow
<script src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Replace bl0ggertricks with your twitter user name.
4. Save your widget and you are done!
If you feel any Trouble just let me know. You can discus it as much with me as possible. Stay tuned by subscribing our email feed or follow me on social networks. thanks for reading our post. happy blogging….!!!!!!
Guest Post - Our host is Eric Santos, Has Explain How many of your facebook friends are your “friends”? Dwibbles, Social Media, Relevant Creating an account on the social media is a wonderful event for the young and the adults alike nevertheless we seem to friend or follow to many people we really don’t know. People tend to increase the list of their friends but they do not converse with majority of them. The double whammy strikes when somebody logs on to the account and has to visualize umpteen updates from the people whom he or she is not interested. It is a tiring process for the users sifting through the numerous updates. Some of them are time consuming and do not allow the people to accomplish the important tasks.
To combat the problem and get relevant content, one could use smart apps like Dwibbles (dwibbles), Prismatic (getprismatic) and others. As the name suggests, it filters out the updates according to the requirements and the specifications of the users. People tend to make friends casually even if their first and last name matches. It is not a very wise thing to do because personal photographs are shared between the friends. A random stranger could see and analyze the private life of a person on becoming the friend. Therefore, one has to be very cautious in sending the requests.
Updating of the friend list is essential because there are some people who might be your school pals. It is a joy to reconnect with them after a period of time however initial euphoria dies down quickly when information is exchanged. It is crucial to share updates only with selected friends who are currently in your good books. The privacy setting should be adjusted so that the friends are able to see the content you want them to see. There are millions of apps on face book that collect personal data, therefore one must delete unnecessary entries in the friends list. Friends who sent invitation on behalf of third party application could retrieve important information about you.
It is important to disable the account settings to prevent others from seeking the private information. Removing the friends who have become a distant memory from the list is essential because it will help the account to load in a faster manner. It is necessary for security and the safety of the account because one cannot trust the profiles. By regularly cleaning up the mess you are guaranteed to enjoy the face book experience in an easy and hassle free manner.
Guest Post - Our host is Eric Santos, (Has explained Social Popularity.)The spawning of internet has led to the explosion of social media because many people are joining it in hordes. With over a billion members, sites such as face book have become overcrowded. Many companies are jostling for marketing space in the online sphere and the techniques of attracting the users are becoming stale. The Saturation of the market calls for innovative methods which could attract traffic to the website. Recent Market research has shown that the fan base of major companies on social media is dwindling. Many corporations are trying to devise new strategies for retaining the users and adding new ones.
In past people used the advertising platform as a means to enhance the customer base because it ensured round the clock presence. The medium is losing its sheen because people are indifferent towards the advertisement appearing in the sponsored section. Companies are making it more complex; however it does not have any results. Therefore, they are focusing on enhancing the ranking of the website in the organic search engine listings.
Initially an explosive growth of the social media buoyed the people to extend the number of followers; nevertheless it has only become a numbers game because many people are not even bothered about the regular updates. Apps like DWIBBLES ( dwibbles ), Prismatic (getprismatic) could become solution for the users because it is tailor made for them by customizing the updates that users actually want to see. Undesired updates are rejected by the application because they are too many and tend to clutter the mindset. Apps like DWIBBLES are responsible for bringing in new and relevant feeds to the users.
The ticker and the graph are introduced by the face book to ensure that organic sharing is accomplished without pushing a button. Using a third party application, one can limit the number of updates to a great extent. To enhance the customer base, one has to be innovative and make the people interactive on the status updates. Although, a community might have many members but all of them are not interested in the products or services unless they are cajoled into.
The solution is not to acquire the different platforms but deploy novel ideas to attract the number of followers. They should be responsive unlike the present scenarios where their interaction is limited to only the likes on the updates. Photo sharing is one of the best methods to inculcate interest among the users so that they could participate in discussion.
Guest Post - Our host is Miranda C, has explained some well tips for 5 Ways Your Website Can Benefit From Facebook . Become a guest author on Blogger Tricks. Have you just recently started a website? Or perhaps you’ve had a website up and running for many years. Either way, Facebook is something you may want to look into if you’d like to improve your website overall. As many of us know Facebook is one of the most popular social media websites out there in these days. Not to mention, it’s popular for a reason. So, how can your website benefit from Facebook? Continue reading below to find out.
Would you like to create a huge fan base for your website? Well, now you can. With Facebook, all it takes is just one second to “like” a page and to become a fan. When people become a fan of your website, they will get every update you post to Facebook. For example, if you’d like to promote or update something, stream it through Facebook and the updates will be automatically displayed on the person’s Facebook. This is very easy and can have huge potential! Not to mention, if your fans “like” your page, there may be a good chance that word will spread and more and more people will be drawn to your website.
Because technology is always changing, you want to make sure you keep yourself up to date. By having a Facebook account for your website, you will appear more up to date to your fans. No one wants to visit a website that seems outdated and unreliable.
When you take the time to do things such as create a Facebook account for your website, it makes your website appear more legit. Websites that look like work has been put into them seem more credible and reliable. By creating an account on Facebook, you may be one step ahead of your competitor.
If you would like to see an increase in your traffic, then be sure to create an account on Facebook. As mentioned earlier, when you update your website, your fans or people that “like” your page will get your updates on their page automatically. What does this mean? Constant reminders of your website and hopefully more traffic and hits to your website.
If you have an important message to send to your fans, or you’d like to share something as simple as an article you’ve written for your website, it has never been easier. You can set up your Facebook account to update every time you update your website. This makes life easier and keeps your website fresh.
As you can see, there are some great ways your website can benefit from Facebook. Although it may be some work to get started, everything after that is a piece of cake. So, what are you waiting for? Why not start getting more traffic, and make your website look even more up to date with technology?
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Guest Post - Our host is Nilmoni Basak , has some well explained tips for Maximum Utilization of facebook to acquire the maximum marketplace. Become a guest author on Blogger Tricks.
Facebook is becoming the most powerful social media for marketers to gain more and more customer attraction and build their brand image. Google is digging deeper into its technology toolkit to turn its social networking service into a formidable threat to Facebook, sprucing up its photo features at the time when sharing snapshots online and on mobile gadgets and is also adding more features to become the most powerful search engines. The enormous applications of facebook like sharing, grouping, acquiring likes, news feed, applications, messaging, events, invitation photos and videos uploads provide so much applicable to business person that it builds the brand image of the product or company even before its launch.
Facebook commerce can be very successful; however, monetizing followers within the social arena goes beyond simply creating a fan page and passively waiting for customers to come around. So what is the real problem with social commerce? Most do not know how to successfully utilize it to the utmost level to maximize profits. So here are some tips for you, follow them and get the highest payoff from your business.
Even though creating a fan page will enable you to gain exposure, it does not guarantee in any way that this alone will affect your sales. Creating a Facebook fan page for your business and just "being there" is not enough. You are still required to gather fans by any means possible to expose them to your products and services. So you can encourage purchasing behavior besides offering eBooks for new “likes”.
Installing a shopping cart on your fan page makes it easier for users to purchase directly off the platform (they never have to exit the Facebook site), but it also serves a huge purpose for your business: all purchases are now social. “Liking” your business can be seen by friends and even friends of friends. But when a Facebook user actually makes a purchase, this has a much greater impact. Anyone can purchase in a store or on a website, but announcing it on Facebook gives your business additional attention and credibility every time a transaction is completed .
Facebook shopping cart providers offer additional options to go beyond the basics of Facebook and tap into additional practices that lead to healthy social purchasing behavior. If you find a provider that also offers a Facebook marketplace, you can increase your visibility even more; especially to those that are directly interested in what you have to offer. A limited amount of providers offer a marketplace option. An online word-of-mouth sales force comprised of popular individuals and groups with a large following can surely be influential. By creating recommendations and reviews, these networkers can motivate other users to purchase.
Posting at random or not regularly enough can leave a negative impression on your page visitors and affect your reach. Also, posting too frequently can have an adverse effect on your Page engagement. Find your rhythm by testing your frequency and watching your numbers to optimize engagement. Creating a Content calendar can help you stay on track and makes the process easier to manage. Respond to ALL comments and make sure your settings ( under Manage Permissions) allows for people to post on your Page and your Page has turned on ”messages”, so that people can send you private messages.
To increase your Page visibility, you need to tell people about it. Don’t forget to link your personal Profile to your Page. Promote your Page on
Recently, before the launch of new Bengali multicuisine restaurant called Dhekur in Bangalore on Nov2012, it engaged in Facebook marketing to promote its brand by uploading a snapshot of their daily recipes with a description of the ingredients, their upcoming services and their ambience features and updating their status regularly. The result was that the restaurant gained an awesome after launch success response as it would have been without this approach.
Pinterest is a social media site that allows users to “pin” images and videos they find online to a virtual pinboard and share them with others. It’s similar to other social bookmarking sites like StumbleUpon, but users can only pin videos and images. There is also a Pinterest app for Android smartphones and for iPhones. Pinterest offers a bookmarking tool called “Bookmarklet” that installs to your Web browser toolbar and enables you to pin any image or video you find when browsing the Internet. You can even add a Pinterest button to your blog to redirect people to your pinboards. Pinterest has finally decided to launch a new Web Analytics program which will help website owners understand what sort of images interest people.
Pinterest was founded by three individuals: Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra and Evan Sharp. They launched the website in 2010. Less than a year after launch, the website had more than 10,000 users. By the end of 2011, Pinterest had become one of the 10 largest social networks, attracting 11 million total visits per week. At the start of January 2012 the website had a reported 11.7 million unique users.
Now on pintrest you will have access to analytics data regarding pins from your website. you will be able to see how many people pinned from your site, how many people saw those pins. how many actually visited your site. Besides this, you will also see your most pinned, most clicked, and most recent pins.
For Using Pinterest Web Analytics Feature you need to verify your Website or blog by going to verification help page . Pinterst Website or blog verification is very simple like Webmaster Tools Verification or Yahoo & bing Site verification. Verify your site now if you have any trouble about verify steps Feel Free to post any query below in comment box. after verify process Go your pinterest profile page and switch to new look after doing this you will see data analytics option in the top right corner. you can switch new look by going at this page.
now you can Explore all the pinterest web analytics features for improving your website or blog content if you face any problem feel free contact pinterest Support team or post any query below in comment box. Keep up to date with new features and opportunities by subscribing to this blog via email Notification, adding our Google+ page to your circles or like us our page on facebook. Thanks for reading our posts.
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july 2003 - Present
My skills include HTML, CSS, PHP ,MySQL,JavaScript,jQuery,Open source development, and Cyber security. I also have experience with SEO and online advertising.Office and records management, database administration, customer support, travel coordination.Microsoft productivity software (Word, Excel, etc),Windows...