Showing posts with label S.E.O. Show all posts
Showing posts with label S.E.O. Show all posts

How To Send Report To Google About Scrapped Content

some can stole your content Bloggers probably know more about scrapped content than anyone else, It is really annoying to write an article about one unique topic, and after few dsys see many people copy your article without your permission and paste them on their own website or blogs. In our case people usually do it in order to increase traffic to their own websites. But does that work?  In this post, we will took a look at how you can stop people from copying your content.

How To Check Duplicate Content Using Different Methods

donotduplicate_670x377 As Google, Bing and other search engines become more sophisticated, they are rewarding websites who present only quality, unique content to their search bots for indexation.

Seven Tips On How To Create Awesome Headlines

Tips For Create Blog TitleWriting headlines for your blog that could hook those readers in an instant is a monumental task. It will determine whether or not you'll make a good impression to your target audience. Thus, creating an appealing one is essential for the sake of your blog's success. Of course, knowing that you need to create a compelling headline and actually doing it are two different things. These seven tips will help you do the latter and hopefully, be able to put them to good use.

1. Be as specific as you can be

Use Of Google Webmaster Sitelink Demotion Tool

In previous tutorial, we've talked about what is Google Organic Sitelinks and when your website is eligible to get it.  In this tutorial, we will take a look at how to demote links if Google Algorithm choose wrong sitelinks for your website. This tutorial will just cover the basics, but in future tutorials we will look at a few more advanced discussion why Google Choose Wrong Sitelinks. Although you can’t tell Google which URLs to include in your sitelinks, you can suggest URLs not to include. For example, let’s say you don’t want your contact page or privacy policy or sitemap showing up there. So you can demote it by using Sitelink Demotion Tool in your Google Webmaster Tools. Here’s how:

1. Log in to Google Webmaster Tools. If you haven’t already, register your domain to claim ownership of the site.

2. Under Search Appearance, Click on sitelink

GWT Search Appearance

What Is Google Organic Sitelinks & Hows Your Website Is Eligible For Sitelinks

Today in this post we'll talk about Google Organic Sitelinks, What is Google sitelinks, why these links are important and  how you can get Google Organic sitelinks.
So firstly we are going to talk about what is sitelinks and how’s that work.
Sitelinks are additional links that are shown below a website’s main URL in Google's organic search results they are called Sitelinks. Generally, sitelinks only appear on brand-related terms like a company's name, but they can sometimes appear for other keywords or phrases when relevant.
Sitelinks not only provide insight into your site’s structure and bring information and options up front to users, but they also expand your search engine real ranking and CTR (click-through rates).
The bad news about sitelinks is that Google’s algorithm  automatically take the sitelinks for your website and also sometime they assign wrong sitelink to a website. Now i am going to show an example for Organic Seach result: (See the image below).

Google Organic Sitelinks in Search result
In the above image you can see the links highlighted with red outline, these links are called Google Organic Sitelinks.

6 Critical SEO Mistakes Committed By Beginners

SEO has outgrown as a basic necessity of every website that wants to gather the attention of an international audience. Irrespective of the amount of time, money and efforts you’ve spent on designing and developing your website, unless and until you make it friendly with the search engines, it won’t fetch you the expected results. It is under such a situation that people feel the need to hire an SEO expert. Well, today there’s a huge majority of graduates that’s choosing SEO(Search Engine Optimization) as a career stream. If you too have chosen SEO as your career then it’s mandatory for you to make a note of the silly mistakes that are being committed by beginners in SEO. My aim behind writing this blog is to make you familiar with 6 of the most critical SEO mistakes that have made beginners lose good projects.

1- Not paying heed to keyword mechanism

Keyword Mechanism
It’s the content and not keyword that the readers are looking for. Some SEO beginners ignore this fact and tend to focus on stuffing their content with keywords. Doing this restricts the content from getting noticed by the search engines, which in a way leads to bad search engine ranking of the website. It is essential to realize that keyword distribution within the text should only be taken as a part of SEO activity.

Top 10 SEO Tips To Increase Blog Traffic

Increased Traffic Sign Bloggers use different type of ways for generating traffic for their blogs sometime we need to pay and sometime we got free traffic from search engines by optimize our site. Since 2014 came its make different type of changes in blogging and SEO world and we need to optimize our site according to search engines algorithm.

Recover From Google Penguin Via Content Marketing

Recover Blog From Penguin
Content marketing is one of the essential techniques that help to get more number of visitors to your web sites. When your website was injured by Google penguin update means you have to some important steps to recover your previous position in the search engines. Here’s the simple content marketing technique that will help you to get more traffic to your website after the penguin update.

Negative Impact Of Excessive Guest Blogging After Penguin

What’s the negative impact of excessive guest blogging after Penguin 2.1? Guest blogging is a vital marketing means in itself if you’re looking into concrete ways of increasing your readership, building your website’s revenues and keeping a good standing at the search engines. A lot of webmasters use this. This is why many web owners are enticed to follow in their lead.
But for all the wonderful advantages that this strategy may bring, doing it excessively will only halt your progress, stop you from enjoying the benefits of your guest post, and –most likely – may put your online reputation at great risk. That’s where the negative impact of excessive guest blogging after Penguin 2.1 comes in. 

Top Five Things To Consider For SEO Expert After Penguin/Panda Updates

In the world of Search Engine Optimization, the procedure of SEO has all the time been a complicated business. The experts need to have all sorts of knowledge regarding SEO in order to earn success. Each and every blog either set up by any one must need a precise structure of optimization to produce revenue. Due to cyclic updates to Google Penguin / Panda, it is now compulsory for owners to try to find expert SEO services.
Following these principles, a lot of owners prefer to take into service of an SEO company or specialist to potentially get the website’ standing better as compared to other competitors while small webmasters prefer to follow the ways to save from penguin updates discussed online. There are a broad number of SEO service providers over the web help users to get the results as you wish. Their guides to search engine optimization methods let the websites to be useful to services like;

Fix For Duplicate Meta Description Error In Google Webmaster Tools

Ducplicate_meta_descriptionDuplicate meta descriptions happens a lot more often than you would think. Best case scenario is that Google just ignores the extra meta data but that is still hurting your rankings? How? Well you have wasted a good amount of time working on something that isn't helping your site rank higher. In extreme cases it can even slow down sites (think multiple big & redundant descriptions on a mobile site). Webmaster tools shows duplicate meta description error for blogger homepage and individual item pages that are posts. This doubling occurrence of meta tags for description appeared when blogger introduced search preferences last year that offered blogger users to insert dynamic description for every post they publish. You can find it this option inside blogger post editor named with Search Description and you can add any description to the specific post.

How To Check Your Blog DMOZ Listed Or Not Yet

check_dmoz_submissionTill now, you have already learnt, how to submit your blog into DMOZ Open directory. So today, I will show you the way how to check your website DMOZ listed or not yet. You may install browser extension to trace the listing, but it is subject to how fast the provider index those data. DMOZ submission is manage by volunteer, it is very dependent on their free time. Some fast and some slow, another possibility your listing may be rejected. If you are looking for a tool to check your DMOZ listing of your website(s) or blog's, you don’t need to look any further. You are able to check a site’s listing without any tool by make a search hit on DMOZ search box. just follow the steps below and you're done….!!! Enjoy!

How To Submit Your Blog Into DMOZ Open Directory


If you don’t think a link from DMOZ matters, even just a little bit, then you’re simply ignoring the reality of this ancient directory. DMOZ  the Open Directory Project -- is a volunteer-curated directory of millions of websites, indexed according to topic. DMOZ was launched in 1998, and its age, size and quality standards make it one of the more powerful Web directories. Because it has a high Google PageRank, a link from DMOZ may Grow up your blog's PageRank and help it receive more traffic from search engines. But Barry Schwartz share story 1 year ago about a user,(“He said after two years of trying to get a DMOZ link, he got it, Google indexed it but he saw absolutely no ranking improvement after the fact. He feels like all that wait and anticipation, was a huge let down."). Submit your blog/website by Following the steps below.

One Business Online Helps Others Do Business In Store


This is true as many people will not be able to make business or start any things from which they can make money at home. When you decided to become an entrepreneur, what reasons motivated that decision? For some people it is the opportunity to make a lot of money, the freedom to live by their own convictions, or to live a certain lifestyle. While these are great personal goals, too much focus on these things can lead you down the wrong path.  This makes one think about new ideas and work that can be started as a business.


Knowing About The Business

People should know what they are going to sell online. It can be anything as there are many people who sell accessories, clothes, jewelry and much more online. Some of the things like the beads which help in jewelry making is also sold online. This kind of online business will attract customers who can buy them online. Having some other things on the website will help them to make use of it. There are plenty of websites which are selling jewelry parts as a main aspect of business. This helps to make jewelry at hoe to wear by oneself or to sell it to others.


Making Use Of Jewelry Accessories

People might be interested in buying the jewelry directly rather than taking the accessories and making a jewelry. To such people, it is important to have that category as well. The choice of these is left to eh customers however,

  • The website should have both jewelry and jewelry making products
  • It should make people know how making a jewelry with easy steps
  • It should explain why they sell these products
  • It should also tell people how making use of this art.

These things will force customers to buy them and try them so that they can make jewelry at home. The jewelry thus done will be good to use and one can make as much jewelry as they want. This will be good as they can create a jewelry according to the clothes they have.


Knowing The Website

For any online business, the customers should be provided with the chance to know about the company or the website. To make this, the website should have a detailed description about themselves. This helps one to go through the description, know about the company as well as place an order. Though people like to go for low price orders initially, they will soon get back with bulk orders. This is what makes the business successful. Once people start buying things, they might like to go for more of it as they will make a jewelry making business. This helps the online business.


Placing An Order

It is found that in some of the websites which is having these products, placing the order for the product is kept easy. They have good marketing, so people can find them in many places and on other websites as well. The marketing credit goes to the companies which they have taken to stay in good position in SEO search. The website will sell things on time and will make sure to make it deliver to the customers. This helps to get credits as happy customers will leave a positive review to the website. The choice of these websites will also make one have a business of their own and make money.


Author Bio:

According to Matthew Anton, the author of the article, the marketing of the website plays a very important role and to make this, for any website the marketing company like Backlinks Vault will help in a right manner. This helps them to stay in the best position of the search engine. In choosing these companies carefully will help a lot says Anton.

Image Credit:- FreeDigitalPhotos

How to Implement the Rel=”Author” Tag on wordpress blog


Guest Post - Our host is Maria Smith (Marketing Director) who takes a look at Rel="author" tag. See How To Become a guest author.

If your focus is to insure that your posts are being found online, then I’m sure you’re familiar with rel=author? Well if your answer is no,  it’s OK. I’m here to explain and show you how you can quickly and easily implement the rel=author tag. As Google develops and becomes increasingly “personalized”, we take a look at Google Authorship mark up. By using rel=”author”. You can enhance the way the SERPs display your content and put your name and face to your work – the photo is taken from your Google+ profile.  There are, of course, plenty of “how to” guides on the topic but even the official Google guide is over-complicated. This will help you add Google authorship markup, quickly and easily.

First of all let's define what is Rel=”Author” Tag. This tag allows to mark website with "authorship". As a result author's photo and Google+ link appear on the right side of snippet.

Just like screenshot below.


This little trick brings traffic to website as users click on link with authorship more often than on link in its regular performance. Authorship gives human face to naked outline of facts. Besides, this is proving that article is unique original and contains the author's opinion.

So, if you have blog, authorship tag is must have. Note, according to Google policy authorship mark should prove that real person wrote the article, authorship mark shouldn't be used for business promotion.

Thus, the question is how install Author Tag?

Those who has website running on WordPress are the lucky ones since there is a plugin WordPress SEO. Plugin just has to be downloaded and activated. Along with different setting and options, there is social options that allow to choose which social network to be connected with.


The only thing to do is to fill out the field and add the link from social profile. After this action photo from social network account will appear next to snippet.

If the website runs on HTML, it's necessary to add in “<head>” section of every page that is supposed to be marked with authorship the tag.

<a rel=”author” href=” page/”>

After that, you should adjust your Google+ account. First, select  About section, second go to  Link section, then find field Contributor to and add your website link here. Like Screenshot below.


To sum up, authorship tag doesn't require any special actions, it's quite easy to implement this tag and take benefits from using it. Any opinions? Please leave your responses in the comments section below, and let us know what you think! Cheers ;)

In the video from Matt Cutts, he goes on to describe how authorship profiles will be strengthened by use of rel="author" Here's the video.

How To Make Keywords Work

seo-keywords-searchGuest Post - Our host is Maria Smith (Marketing Director) who takes a look at how to make keywords work. See How To Become a guest author.

Needless to say that keywords is significant aspect of website optimization. Keywords perform navigation function for search engines as well as for users. Thanks to keywords search engines match up sites content with search query and show the website in search list. Keywords should correspond with searches as accurately as possible to provide the site with top position in search ranking. Of course, there are a lot of other factors that impact on search ranking except keywords and searches accordance, but I want to pay attention to this crucial search ranking factor. Let's see what types of keywords exist.

Types of keywords

1) Head queries are the most frequent. Usually consist of 2 words. Head queries are used by trusted respected and the most popular resources and market leaders. It's quite difficult and has no reason to begin website optimization with this type of queries. Popular 2 words query will never bring a new website to the top. That's why second type of keywords is in field of interest.

2) Tail queries usually consist of 3 and more words or even can be a phrase. This type of keyword is characterized by low frequency of queries per month, but can be effective for optimization at the beginning. Long-tail keyword allows to appear in the top of search quite fast. Moreover, long-tail keyword is the way of fast optimization of blogs and informative sites.

How to select right keywords?

The main problem is to choose right keyword. Success of site promotion primary depends on solving this problem. Along with their main goal, keywords should bring traffic and increase conversion.

First, there are a lot of tools such as Semrush, Word stream, Word Tracker that allow to suggest possible keyword options and analyze competitors keyword. But the best tactic is to come into your potential client world and imagine what queries he uses. The most valuable factor for selecting keywords is human element. So suggested queries should be as natural as possible. List of 20 the most common queries is enough for initial analyze. Initial analyze can be done manually without keyword checkers. Just put keyword in search field and find out variations and main competitors. Manual analyze allows to estimate situation better. Tools are needed for comprehensive keyword investigation.

What keywords variations should be in the list?

✔ all names of service/product/blog name including short forms, slang, professional terms etc.

✔ names of elements/parts/ingredients, if it's possible

✔ detailing solutions, for instance, for SEO service it can be "keyword optimization", "link building", "Internet marketing" and so on.

✔ characteristic of product or service, for example, "High Quality Backlinks"or "effective SEO".

After creating a list of keywords and using mentioned tools, you will get information about which suggested words are head queries, which ones are used by competitors to select the most suitable ones. Ideally, final list of keywords for optimization should consist of 10-30 words.

The Magical Observation Of Website Performance With SEO

Guest Post - Our host is Varun Bhatia ( Content Writer ) who takes a look at observation of website performance with SEO. See How To Become a guest author.

The scope of developing popularity for your business can be created in several ways. But out of the many conventional methods available internet marketing has been claimed to be the most powerful and effective means of marketing. Apart from website creation, publication and hosting services, the success of any website stays in the amount of visitors it attracts. As a result most of the website owners prefer to choose a paid service for website development and performance. SEO or search engine optimization is of the paid services with which one can find the popularity of his website to grow enormously. SEO is also considered as an effective marketing strategy that depends solely on the content.


SEO Viewer

How it works?

The duty involved in optimization is to take care of the web contents in terms of optimizing them with the appropriate keywords. Keywords are the hint words which the internet surfers type while they are in search of any information. The keywords will help the search engines to display the list of websites that contain the appropriate information in terms of ranking. The websites that occupies the top rankings are considered as successful websites. Seeking a SEO service will help your website to get its contents edited as per the expectations of the people. A website already published might not have reached a good ranking apart from having a good layout. Hence, choosing a SEO service will help the website to restore its importance.



A SEO professional will concentrate on providing useful and good content in the website. Content is one which describes the purpose and product of the website. In other words, any visitor for instance, will come to know more about a product only by reading the content. Thus the content needs to reflect the exact information in a readable format. Since, people from all over the world will be visiting the same website, a good content that is also composed in a simple and informative way will attract more and more visitors.


Local SEO Map


Blog and SEO

A blog is another marketing tool with which the business owner will link his product website. In certain cases, if the content of a website is found to be interesting the same visitor might visit the webpage several times, and create opportunity for others to visit the same page by adding the link of the website either to his website or blogs. A SEO Service should always promise for good quality content in terms of offering the following methods of optimization such as

· Content and website analysis

· Keyword research

· Analysis of competitor website

· Composing content with keyword placement

· Updating contents periodically

· Analyzing the website performance based on the expectations of the visitors.

How to choose?

Choosing a SEO service might appear a simple job as there are many SEO services all over the world. However, a healthy option would be to avail the service of a local SEO company. For an Indian website owner preferring a SEO company India will fetch him lot of benefits in terms of the website performance as well as save his the cost on services.


Varun Bhatia is currently working with Artattackk a Wed Design company delhi. He is professional content writer having vast experience in writing articles on various topics like SEO, SMO, SEM, web design and web hosting.

What does Google think about paid links?


Guest Post - Our host is Maria Smith (Marketing Director) who takes a look at What Does Google Think About Paid Links. See How To Become a guest author.
Debating about whether purchasing links, reviews, considerations, etc. is ethical or not is something we'll leave up the individual. Search engines would prefer that all links are natural, but the fact of the matter is that a substantial number of the links on the internet have been paid for in one way or another. Be sure to check out Google's official policy on paid links.


It's not a secret that paid links as SEO technique doesn't meet Google requirements, moreover, unnatural link building violates the Webmaster Guidelines. Google keep fighting against paid links.If formerly amount of quality paid links was main factor for ranking, currently such criteria as engagement with users and content shared in social media are taking into account as well. Successful webmaster should understand not just SEO concepts but marketing techniques also. Matt Cutts suggests that webmasters forget about SEO and create quality and useful sites for users. Nevertheless link trade stayed lucrative business niche. First of all, quality backlinks are still significant criteria for page rank. The point is that not every paid link is considered to be unnatural and harms the site. See Matt Cutts Answers Below in Video.



1) Quality backlinks on trusted resource within the industry.

Let's see. First of all, the link should be relevant, for instance, if you supply casino apps, don't place it at website about animals. Second is authority. Such factors as domain authority and page authority are essential, but the most important thing is that host website should be trusted, get traffic and not look like link directory. Thus, traffic will bring clicks, besides, quality sites don't offer a lot of place for links. So it gives competitive advantage and good relation of Google.


2) Sponsorship backlinks.

If the company is a sponsor, it places their links on sponsored site. This type of links is considered by Google as if a sponsor had a right to require a link. Another area for paid links is social media. First, as it was mentioned above Google likes social references. Content shared in social media increases position in SERP and attracts traffic. Consequently, paid likes, followers, and fans are in demand. Social media development drove increasing amount of networks that unit advertisers and account owners. Besides, social media provided with work software developers that create software for likes generation and so on. To sum up, in view of recent events Google requires backlinks to be corresponded with high standards in order to pass page rank and content to be "social" to improve SERP position.


Google Adsense Released Score card for Their publisher best practice

New Feature in adsense Dashboard Google has introduced new awesome feature into adsense to help out publishers.I recently observed the new change in my home page of Google AdSense. It shows score card of particulars related to site and ads performance relative to each other. It gives performance in stars. Higher stars means particular area of site is doing well. The details includes Revenue optimization, Site health and Google+. Google AdSense scorecard is awesome tool for publisher available from 19 Jun 2013. This scorecard shows our account rating as per ads implementation, website performance, and social sharing. Scorecard is a tool that gives greater insights to Publishers to compare how well their Ad settings, Website load time and content is performing compared to other Publishers using AdSense as the contextual Ad network.


Google Adsense Score Card Overview

I analysed my scorecard and found many things that can help me to earn more revenue. In this scorecard we first see, Below is a screenshot of our AdSense Account. You can Plainly see the three Essential bolded Sets which are further Separated into child categories.



Revenue Optimization With Sub Categories

"Recommended ad formats, Text and image ads enabled, Crawler errors" here you also see overall rating out of 5 for your configuration. Selecting subcategories will provide you detailed information about additional correction needed. Follow the suggestions and sure that will may help you increase your revenue share.


1. How to improve Adsene Revenue

Google adsense works on Pageviews, CTR and Ad clicks. If you will place your Google Adsense ad banner in your header the ad banner would receive 100 percent coverage from the blog as it will be appearing on each and every page of your blog. This will not only increase the chances of earning but it will make your CTR% as low as possible. Instead of choosing Text ads you should select both Text and Banner ads. It will increase your Adsense earning really rapidly because it will display both text and high rich media advertisements.



2. Recommended Ad Formats.

The ad slot is 728x90 and placed directly under the title (the h1 tag), a 336x280 post related image, and the by line, just before the start of the article. It extends the length of the body of the content with maybe a 1/2" overhang, whether that is relevant I do not know. It has just enough white space above and below for a clean look.


How To Add Adsense Below Header.

How To Add Adsense Below Post Title.

How To Put Adsense In Post Description.


Almost anybody who works at home with his own website or blog is relying this way or the other on Google AdSense. One of the biggest advantages of the AdSense platform is its ability to provide the most relevant ads which increases its click-through rate. However, there are few common crawling mistakes webmasters can make that can lessen the ad relevancy. To reduce crawler errors first make sure all Jquery scripts that you use are placed within the <head> and </head> tags. Clean up your site HTML structure and remove  any script that is increasing your site speed and causing the browser to crash. Google has a list of crawlers for different tasks such as for detecting images, videos, smart phones or AdSense Ads.


Site Health

In second option we see Site health with detailed information on Page speed performance. Do suggested correction or ignore it if you think it cant helpful. If you've ever fretted over how long it took to email a photo, imagine a website trying to load a large image or several images on a single page.


1. Optimize Your Images

Know when to use the appropriate file format for your images. Changing to a different file format can dramatically decrease the file size of an image.


  • GIF is ideal for images with few colors like logos.
  • JPEG is great for images with lots of colors and details like photographs.
  • PNG is the choice when you need high quality transparent images.

Avoid using a larger image than you need just because you can set the width andheight attributes of <img> elements in HTML. If you need a 100x100px image and you have a 700x700px image, use an image editor like Photoshop or one of these web-based image editors to resize the image to the needed dimensions. This lowers the file size of the image, thus helping to decrease page loading times.


Best Tips When Making Template For Your blog

Don’t ever try to give unnecessary look to your site go with simpler design. Websites having simple layouts load much faster. Prefer text links over buttons. You can give attractive look to text links also so don’t go for graphical buttons if you have to use many such links in your page.

Most of the websites are designed with CSS (Cascaded style sheet) to give better design. Ask your developers after coding a CSS completely eliminate lines which are unnecessary. Clutter free CSS will help pages to load fast. Optimized CSS code will work like a wizard to reduce loading time. To optimize CSS files, one of the most crucial steps you can do is to use every declaration just once. It means strict use of selector grouping. Use CSS Sprites for image to reduce http requests. Place all Javascript in one place and one file and also remove unnecessary Plugins and Widgets from your web page or blog.

In our case score is too bad here we received a red alert. I guess we would need to remove some further widgets and images to decrease the Page Load time.


add Google Plus Button

Last option is Google Plus button, its good to we have socialized our webpages with Google plus.

By adding the +1 button to your website, you allow your users to recommend your content to their circles and drive traffic to your site. The +1 button can also improve the time spent on your site by providing recommendations for further reading. We will publish tutorial on how to add Google plus button on your website as soon as time allow.


I hope this article is give you best experience about Google Adsense Score Board. If you feel any thing is missing share your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below.

The Easiest Ways Of Earning Money From Website

ways of earning

Guest Post - Our host is Maria Smith (Marketing Director) who takes a look at Easiest Ways Of Earning Money. See How To Become a guest author.

There are various cool ways through which you can make money through your website. Most of the people may be already aware of these things but this post will be of great help to those who are new to this field. It's not a secret that most of webmasters pursue the only goal to get money from the website. There are a lot of different methods described by SEO experts, but I'd like to talk about the most easiest ways.

1) Affiliate program.

The only thing that a webmaster should do is to find lucrative affiliate program and join it. Then to place the affiliate banner on the websites and get percent's from purchases that were made by users directed from the site. If the affiliate banners suit to the topic of the site, they look naturally, don't annoy users, and, consequently, contribute to clicks at least. The profitable affiliate programs are within gaming and online shop (eBay, amazon) industries. It's important to take into account that your target audience should tie with audience of the site which affiliate program you join, in that case, affiliate program will bring you money.

2) Link placement.

In order to get advertisers, the website should have at least PR2, traffic is not considered. Webmasters can submit websites in links market's system and just wait for orders. By the way, some link brokers specialize in certain niches, and you will not worry about link relevance. If you have a lot of content on the site you can offer links in content, or even guest blogging. Guest blogging will bring frequently updated content also. The point is to place just limited relevant links and posts. Otherwise, the website will be considered as spam directory.

3) Banner ads placement.

The main requirement to be willing for advertising placement is to have traffic. There are a lot of payment options like Pay Per Click or Pay Per Mile. PPC is effective when the traffic is low. Considering the traffic you can set the payment option. The question is where to find advertisers? The first solution is to submit the site on link market system that is specialized in banner ads. The second solution is to find similar resources and to find out who place ads there. The third one is to place offers on forums or social networks (if you have a lot of followers and fans).

4) Locking content.

The main prerequisite is that the content should be willing to pay. In other words, if you have something unique exclusive and valuable, you can provide the full access to the content at the charge. You can place video interview, photos, images, apps and so on. Users are allowed, for example, to try the game or to see the photo, but they should pay to download. This method is simple for realization and needs just your ideas.

Image Credit : 123rf.