Showing posts with label Blogger Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogger Tips. Show all posts

How to Put Adsense Ads Middle of the Every Pages and Posts

It is too important to optimize your adsense ads in your site.  In the earlier post, we found how to put adsense ads just below the post title. Now we are going to learn how to put adsense ads in the middle part of the post and any place within the post. Often adsense user think if the ads are displayed in the just below the post title, it is the best position. Moreover that there is also a place which is equally as better as below the post title. This is the middle position of the posts.

Auto Sizing Photos to Fit Post Area in Blogger

One question I am asked often is from Blogger users wondering how to make their photos fit the width of their post area. If you’ve been using Blogger for a little while, you are no stranger to the image size options once you upload your photos. They currently offer Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large and Original. Whichever option you choose determines how your photo will be displayed. If you are not yet familiar with these options, try adding an image to your post and then click on that photo in the editor. You will then see the image size options below the photo.

jQuery Custom Image Lightbox

  This time I shared about how to install a custom image in the lightbox blog.Surely at least you already know the workings of  lightbox image.Image lightbox or image viewer is a feature blogger who serves enlarge any image on the blog post when we click on the size / resolution of the actual.
 Well here I will try to share the lightbox with a different look than the default lightbox blogger, you just need to add the jQuery and CSS code.

Installing the Cloud Colorful Labels

Colorful LabelsAs we knowthe default blogger label cloud us quite boring and plain white with black text. Well here I am going to try to change  to be a colorful and fresh look.

Notifications Comments Blogger Google Plus Modified

Google plus notification display it very  interesting.But if the notification would be more interesting to blog again, right, oh yes it works is to display the comments in a blog entry into a notification.So if there is some sort of notification enter comments. almost the same on facebook anyway. 

If you are having problems with installing please ask in the comments, although many code but it's a good result so that no number is entered comments. such notice in sosmed like that.

How to hide Affiliate link from the status bar

DONT CLICK HEREDo you want more readers to click through your affiliate link?You know,you have to start thinking about increasing your CTR(Click-Through Rate)because the more CTR you have,the more conversion you can possibly get.The more conversion,the more commission.But that not enough.

How To Disable Highlight Function

How To Disable Highlight FunctionHow To Disable Highlight Function
To write a very constructive blog content is a very hard work,which some bloggers don't understand what it takes, all they are looking for is where to copy content for their blog,which is really a very bad act,especially when your copied content is ranking higher than your original content.I can remember when i first started blogging,it took me 10-15 mins before i can actually figure out where to start my write-up,but seems to be getting easier as time goes on.

How to put Social Locker for Blogger Blogspot

How to put Social Locker for Blogger BlogspotThis article will be focusing maybe you or other bloggers that really wants / likes Social Marketing. But increasing your Facebook Page likes , Twitter shares, and Google Plus shares. You will need lots of hard work and of course money to advertise. But to make your goal more possible, We have made an Advance Social Locker for Blogger or Blogspot Blogs. Yes this social locker comes from wordpress but we work hard and converted it to a Blogger Widget.

Code 2 ads running along the side for blogspot

ads running along the side for blogspot
Where you place the ad in your site design can increase or decrease how much you charge.How Much Should You Charge For Advertising On Your Blog?The Code 2 ads running along the side for blogspot is help you grow in come.

Featured Content Slider for Blogger

Featured Content SliderTo day i have add Featured Content Slider on my blog for content slider on home page.I think bloggers wants to add Featured content Slider for their blog.Featured Content Slider helps you to show automatic sliding of your featured content on your home page. This is the great trick to show your most important content as Featured content on your home page. Featured Content Slider also helps to increase page views and decrease bounce rate of your blog.

Auto Like Facebook 2014

Auto Like Facebook Last times I was shared the Facebook PopUp Like Box with Timer and Cookies and a little tip about Facebook Recommendations Bar Now,today I'm going to show you how can we add Auto Like Facebook when clicking on web:DWhen Guest click on the web is not unlike the 2nd click for sure.This increasing 100% success, no hack, cheat.I call it is Blogger tricks.

How To Add Infinite Scrolling Effect In Blogger

Infinite Scrolling Effect 

Infinite Scrolling Effect After installing this on your blog, when you will land on the homepage, first you will see the minimum posts on homepage which you've set. As you scroll down, automatically more posts will load with loading effect. This will help the readers to get even more content instantly and your readers will be served better. It is built with pure JavaScript and JQuery. Actually, This JQuery replaces the older and newer page navigation links with the effect and if you've installed this effect then those page navigation will not appear on the homepage only. This may not work in your template if you've not implemented auto post thumbnail with the read more button script.

How To Create Free Blog On Blogger ( Beginner Guide )

MyBloggerTricks In our Previous article we have talk lot about starting your blogging career, no doubt it’s a better then wasting time on chatting, watching movies and other online activities. BlogSpot let you create a Free blog but comes with it’s own limitation, but for a starter it’s a good idea to create a Blog and get the hitch of Blogging. If you don’t yet have a Google Account and would like to sign up for Blogger, you’ll be creating a Google Account with Blogger as your very first Google product. With the username and password you create, you’ll be able to access other Google products and services, such as Gmail, Google Docs, and Google+.

How to Make 2 Column Content with Navigation Sitemap Page

This time i will share How to Make 2 Column Content with Navigation Sitemap Page.This tutorial comes from the Internet, I just modify it a little CSS in order to look into 2 columns.Last times i have write about How to submit your Blogger Sitemap to Google.Now let start creat a sitemaps.html with two colums
 2 Column Content with Navigation

Okay straight to the installation phase.First of all entry and select the Bloggers page,click New page.
Creat new page
 After that ,select HTML instead of Compose mode:
Then copy and paste the code below and paste it in column HTML:
<style scoped="" type="text/css">
#toc-outer {
  font:normal 11px/14px Arial,Sans-Serif;
  margin:0 auto;

#loadingscript {
  padding:0px 0px;

.itemposts {
    float: left;
    height: auto;
    overflow: hidden;
    width: 47%;
    box-shadow: 1px 1px 5px #C3C3C3;
    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #F9F9F9;
    border: 1px solid #FFF;
    margin: 3px 5px 8px;
    padding: 0px 3px;

.itemposts h6 {
    border-bottom: 1px solid #CCC;
    color: #333;
    font: bold 12px Arial;
    height: 15px;
    overflow: hidden;
    text-transform: none;
    margin: 0px 0px 5px;
    padding: 2px 6px !important;

.itemposts h6 a:hover {

.itemposts img {
  border:1px solid #ccc;
  margin:0 7px 5px 0;

.itemposts .iteminside {}

.itemposts .itemfoot {
    border-top: 1px solid #CCC;
    clear: both;
    overflow: hidden;
    padding: 4px 5px;

.itemposts .itemfoot a.itemrmore {

.itemposts .itemfoot a.itemrmore:hover {text-decoration:underline}

#itempager {
  padding:10px 0;


#totalposts {
  font:bold 10px Verdana,Arial,Sans-Serif;

#pagination span, #pagination a {
    color: #FFF;
    display: inline;
    margin: 0px 1px;
    padding: 2px 5px;
    text-indent: 0px;
    background-color: #068BC9;
    background-image: linear-gradient(#068BC9 0%, #3161C2 50%, #3059AB 51%);
    border: 1px solid #3161C2;
    text-decoration: none;
    border-radius: 10px;
#pagination a:hover {background-color:#333}

#pagination span.actual {background-color:black}

#pagination span.hidden {display:none}
var showPostDate   = true,
    showComments   = true,
    idMode         = true,
    sortByLabel    = false,
    labelSorter    = "JQuery",
    loadingText    = "Loading...",
    totalPostLabel = "Number of posts:",
    jumpPageLabel  = "page",
    commentsLabel  = "comment",
    rmoreText      = "Learn more&#9658;",
    prevText       = "previous",
    nextText       = "next",
    siteUrl        = "",
    postPerPage   = 10,
    numChars       = 150,
<script src=""></script>
  Replace URL with your blog address and save.Done!

Add Credit Link In template to protect from steeling

It takes more time to frame the design, edit the picture  and put all of them in to code.In the field of blogging niche newbies just copy and paste the codes and add their names to the credits.They do not respect to the contemplate of designer that a lot of effort had made in making of such templates.That why you have to take some steps to prevent new blogger to remove or customize credit link.Use JavaScript and Div classes which will help you protect your templates and widgets.
Add Credit Link In template


1.This JavaScript will help you protect your credits by directly redirecting to your desired page when someone removes the credits.
2.The JavaScript is as follows and should be placed before</head>

<script type='text/javascript'>
var aa=$("#mycredit").val();
if (aa == null) {
    window.location.href = "";


Things to be know
- #mycredit : This is the name of the div class which we will use in our div setup. So if anyone removes this div class they will be redirected to the link highlighted in purple.

- : This is the link where the page will be redirected if the credits are changed or removed.

Once you have edited the javascript given above you can use the below div structure in correspondence with the above script. For this go to STEP 2


<div id='#mycredit'>
     Designed By <a href='' id='#mycredit'>Key Yard</a>

Make sure all the text highlighted in purple are '#mycredit' and text highlighted in red is or the same link that you want to redirect to.


a.Authors (How to Add Different Background Color or Image in Each Blogger Post
)could find the div id within the template and then revome the javascript.
b.Hence we can hide it by hosting the Javascript files externally.
c.Copy this code in notepad

var aa=$("#importantlinks").val();
if (aa == null) {
    window.location.href = "";


Make necessary changes as suggested in Step1
Click on the file menu and click on Save As
Navigate to the file saved
Now name your file with .js at end, in Save As type place select 'All Files' and in Encoding select 'UTF8' that is it.
See below

Save it and then go to your browser and go to it one of the reliable yet limited free online inventory.
Avoid saving the name as Credit or anything similar as it might help us bluff the copycat.
Sign Up or login as per your status
Then upload the file you just created to public folder
Get the link and paste it in this code
  <script src='LINK' type='text/javascript'/>
Replace link with your dropbox link
For example
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
That's it ! this should help you hide your javascript.
However, this need some div and java script knowledge you can protect your contents some how more encrypted box so any one can not easily steel. Be Blogger! Be Safer! Thank For Reading this guide.

Protect your data xml blogspot

Last times i talk about How to get data from other blogspot Today i will show you how to protect your data from thief.Short and Easy Method.I don't want to write a confusing way.

data protect

Method 1:To avoid getting lost, data is hacked, then you should do the following: Log in blogger => Settings => Other => Allow blog feeds => select Until breaks.
select Until breaks.
Select Until breaks
 Method 2:Let them steal shelf and take advantage of them to help push for your keywords

- When you write articles you should insert links and sources clearly written article from your blog so who steal your data up on their blog then they are regarded as sharing your article ==> increase the credibility of your blog post.

How to get data from other blogspot


Today i will show you "How to get data from other blogspot",That mean you can download all data XML from other blogspot and Import to your blogger.

Step 1:Check RSS is full or not:

Grid View for Blogger Posts

Grid View
Last times i show you How to i add Pinterest Button on Image Hover.If your blog niche is images(travel images,products,family images...)better use Grid View. This simple step by step customize Grid View for Blogger Posts.

8 Reasons Why You Should Start Writing On Your Own Blog

8_Reasons_Do_Blogging A blog is an opportunity for you to establish your expertise in your field and updating it regularly with relevant content in order to passionate that idea. It also helped you to gaining people’s trust on the internet world. Today in this article we will tell you some of the reasons that you should need to start your blog. I really hope that the information below will encourage you enough to make your won personal or professional blog.

Pinterest Button on Image Hover

Pinterest Button on Image Hover
How to i add Pinterest Button on Image Hover
No HTML is required for hoverbuttons; all you have to do is load the JavaScript listed below. Once you have this installed, images should show a Pin It button when hovered over. (If you're already running pinit.js, just add the data-pin-hover="true" attribute to the existing SCRIPT tag.)