
Why And How To Make Your Blog/Website Load Faster

Now this is one big concern for every Website Owner, We all obviously want our websites to load quickly because we know that makes them look better to the Users and Visitors. But in reality a quick loading website has tons of other big time benefits and a Webmaster should definitely work upon optimizing his her website in a way that it loads quickly. In this post, you will learn how to make your blog faster. Not just faster, the fastest. Yes, it is possible. Today  we will be talking on how to make your blog faster especially Blogger. You must have realized that mostly websites/blogs loads crazy fast, doesn't it?

Advantages of having a fast blog.

Search engines are always trying to return the best possible results to their readers, and you often see search rankings for websites going up and down. This is because they're regularly updating their algorithms, and changing their search ranking criteria, so that the most relevant and the best possible results can be returned to the searchers. Now this is one big concern for every Website Owner, We all obviously want our websites to load quickly because we know that makes them look better to the Users and Visitors. But in reality a quick loading website has tons of other big time benefits and a Webmaster should definitely work upon optimizing his her website in a way that it loads quickly. Here in this article we tell you of Top 10 Reasons why you should optimize your website so that it load’s quickly and doesn’t lags.

1. Higher Search Engine Ranking - Google loves fast blogs and websites. They index them first.
2. Saves you readers - If visitors go on your 'slow' blog, they will eventually get fed up and Go away from your website/blog.
3. More page views. - If you have a fast blog, readers will not hesitate to browse through your other posts.

Also See : 3 Best Ways to get more Blog readers.

Best User Experience

Websites/Blog have turned out to become the most important online identity of a Community  Company, Brand or a Product and you can’t really let your slow loading website/Blog to hamper your online reputation. Users want websites that have great UI and offers Great User Experience. A slow loading website/Blog can never give that and thus hampers your reputation and may just annoying  your honorable Customers.

  • Follow The Steps Below :

1. Compress Your Images

Our next step is to compress images. Save all of your blog’s images into one folder, and go to Smush it. This is an image compressing tool made by Yahoo. Upload all of your images, where they will be compressed, and download them in a zipped file. You can then re-upload them to your blog. Both techniques shown so far will decrease your page size and loading time by at least 30%.

2. Compress Your Scripts

Your next step is to compress all of your JavaScript. Please go to JS Compress. Upload your JavaScript, have it compressed, and re-upload it to your webpage.

3. Delete Gadgets and Sidebar Tools

Delete any useless gadgets and widgets in your blog sidebar, footer or anywhere else. These gadgets which are of no use are a main bug in speed optimization. Try and delete as many gadgets possible. This will really reduce the size of your page and load up fast!

4. Reduce Homepage Posts

The number of your posts on the Homepage can really boost the speed of your blog. Reduce the number of posts by going to Layout - Blog Posts - Change posts number. Recommended is 6 posts per page. That's what you should set.

5. Remove Extras

Remove extra Plugin, Third Party Widget, photos or text from your blog. If you have any picture in the sidebar, extra text that is probably useless or crappy html widgets, remove remove remove!

6. Use Cloud Flare

Cloud Flare is a (free) service that makes your blog faster, safer, and smarter. In other words, Cloud Flare supercharges websites. It is a CDN service that will protect and accelerate your website, and doesn’t interfere with the Word Press Caching system (W3 Total Cache).

This plugin keeps your blog safe from the Hacking attacks, spammers, and bots by challenging them with a CAPTCHA system whenever it doubts a user’s authenticity. With this tool, you’re easily able to block the spammers’ IPs and websites with just few clicks.


Also see: How to Customize Post Body Font Size, Color & Style in Blogger.

Last Words

Ok, so now that u have seen the effects and may have talked to your Webmaster already and he would have said you that he can’t do anything and its your Server fault. But most of the time’s it’s the Website’s issue, as the Webmaster haven’t optimized the sites a way they should be done and have very low or no mentioned expiry date of images or scripts so they increase’s your website loading time. Tell us about your experiences in the comments section below. Smile