Tips and Notes
Note: <meta> tags always goes inside the <head> element.Note: Metadata is always passed as name/value pairs.
Note: The content attribute MUST be defined if the name or the http-equiv attribute is defined. if none of these are defined, the content attribute CANNOT be defined.
But you can take control !
You can add Meta Tags and Description to your blog. So lets see the tutorial below.
First you must copy the code below and add a meta description and meta keywords as follows:
<meta content='text/html; charset=utf-8' http-equiv='Content-Type'/> <meta content='PUT BLOG DISCRIPTION HERE.' name='description'/>
<meta content='PUT, KEYWORDS, HERE, SEPERATED, BY, COMMA,' name='keywords'/>
For Example Check out my meta description and keywords.
<meta content='text/html; charset=utf-8' http-equiv='Content-Type'/>
<meta content='Find Blogger Widgets, Blogger Gadgets, Blogging tips, Social icons pack, cdr file, psd file, png, jpg, Plugins and Learn SEO to Optimize Your Blog.' name='description'/>
<meta content='Widgets for Blogger,bloggertricks,bloggingtips,social,icons,cdr,png,psd,downloadbuttons, makemoneyonline' name='keywords'/>
Now time add code to your blog.
1. Go to your blogger Dashboard > template > click on proceed button and find this code. how to find code in template with browser Search bar.
2. add the content code below <head> section and click save that’s it your done.
If you have a any question leave your comments below in comment section.