
How To Add Custom Permalinks To Blogger Posts

Blogger add permalink link (or Permanent Link) Feature in all blogs. Blogger introduce this in June 2012 I started this blog after June so I share this tip in December. Its indeed one of the most awaited SEO development for all blogger users. Blogger users can now write custom URLs for their posts using Blogger in draft. You will now find a permalink option in post editor if you log into Blogger account using and not This option would let you create custom permalinks for your blogger posts. Permalink or "permanent link"  in layman terms is the URL that appears in your browser address bar. For example if your post title is “Blogger Basic TIps”, the blog post’s permalink would be something like 2012/06/blogger-basic-tps.html   Till date Blogger never allowed the user to control what the permalink should be but it rather assigned a permalink on it’s own. You can’t Make permalink for your old published post but you can in your new posts. If you want to check out this option go to your blogger dashboard and make new post you see links tab on the right side of your blogger post editor and click on links tab your can see this type window.

How To Create Permalink

When you click on link text this type window appear and click on custom permalink write your permalink link screen shoot below.

Custom Permanant link

Blogger Permalink Feature only accept three character colon “:”, forward slash “/” and a dash

“-“. These three, only a dash is under your control because the remaining two are used in http protocol “colon” by browsers and for directory creation “forward slash”. In you want make SEO Friendly Custom Permalink so use only dash like this link.

More Detail From Google

For Further Help See Google Video Tutorial

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