
how to add feedback button to your blogger blog

feedback Floating feedback buttons have become fairly common place, and I have yet to see someone that doesn't understand how to use them. So the advantage of using a floating feedback button is that you will get a lot more feedback. This is not necessarily desirable, as it will likely increase your support costs, but for most companies it's a good idea. You also have to make sure that it fits into the overall design of your website or blog, and that it doesn't distract from your content. I always prefer presenting users with just-in-time feedback moments if possible. For example: after completing a check-out process present the user with a follow-up survey. Considering the fact your user has just committed to your organization/website chances are pretty good that they are willing to spend some time on your feedback. So Today i will going to sharing with you a Great feedback buttons and how to add Floating Feedback to your blogger blog or website. The set below consists of 36 PNG buttons along with the CDR file if in case you wanted a color of your choice.

How to add feedback Button to blogger blog.

The steps are very simple. Download the icons and upload your favorite feedback button in Blogger. Once done, you may then follow few steps below,
1. Go To Blogger Dashboard >> Layout >> Choose a HTML/JavaScript Widget
Paste the following code inside it,
<a style="display:scroll;position:fixed;bottom:50%;left:0px;" href="URL OF CONTACT PAGE" title="Feedback Please, Can't go further without your help"><img src="FEEDBACK BUTTON IMAGE LINK" /></a>

Make these changes:

  • By default the button will appear at center left but if you want to shift it to right then change left to right.

  • Replace URL OF Contact page with the address link of your contact me page.

  • Replace Feedback Please, Can't go further without your help with any message you may like the visitors to see when they hover their cursor on the button

  • Replace FEEDBACK BUTTON IMAGE LINK with the image link of your uploaded button.

2. Save your template and see it on your blog.


Feedback All Resources are always shared with subscribers, if you are already a subscriber then kindly post your EMAIL ID in comments or if you are a new visitor then kindly submit your EMAIL ID below in sign up form , Activate your feeds and then post the same email id below in comment box so that we could email you the download copy within 24 hours. By subscribing once you can download any icons or buttons published by us so far.

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