
How to Show A Webpage In Iframe On Your Website Or Blog

view webpage in iframeIframes are useful for a wide variety of content and especially for in-site navigation where you can use on to load pages or code snippets dynamically on a page without being an AJAX programmer and without using any javascript. There are many ways this can by helpful when building a website. Iframes are particularly helpful when are using a third party website and you want your website visitors to interact with it without leaving your website.
1. Copy the following HTML code to your clipboard:
<iframe src="" width="300" height="300">

2. Replace the between the parenthesis with the link you want to be displayed on your webpage within in the iframe. For example, if the URL is, this will be your code:
<iframe src="" width="300" height="300">

That's it you are done. I am sure this tutorial would be helpful to all our readers. Please feel comfortable to ask us anything where you may need help. Peace and blessings buddies.