Showing posts with label General. Show all posts
Showing posts with label General. Show all posts

Blogging Tips When Writing Content For Your Blog Readers

Blogging Tips Logo

Introduction: There is indeed heaven and earth difference between an excellent blog which attracts and enthralls blog readers as compared to a mediocre one which most readers try to avoid. The differences are style, presentation, content, retaining capacity and of course readability. Another important aspect about blogging is that contents need to serve some utility value and usefulness to readers, and should not serve to record bragging by the author which nobody is interested in knowing. Utility value, content quality and impact are important aspects. Besides, the following aspects are also important:

Best Protective Cases For IPad Mini

iPad Mini CasesiPad mini can be considered as the best kind of tablet that is available in the market and anybody can feel like adoring such an incredible stuff. The first thing that you need to do when you are having iPad Mini is to get a proper case for it so that it can be protected. Make sure that the case that you are getting for the tablet is really amazing so that you can look really incredible in it. This newest iPad mini is offering many improvements compared to the previous versions. This is the one that comes with a screen of high resolution and is also available with good amount of thickness. There are many iPad mini cases available that can really make your gadget look awesome.

Effective Tips For Writing an Article

There might be a lot of ideas that comes in and out when you are writing. This is somewhat a very difficult scenario that might happen for anyone after all. When you are too focused on writing alone, you do tend to forgot the consistency of the work that you need. When you plan to write an effective post, there are actually some quick tips that should be done. But, when you are that distracted it does feel that there are simply a lot of things that cannot be done at all.
When you are planning to start to write an effective article, it is better that you must keep in mind the following tips. It might sound like it will be a hard one but in the end you will realize that it is worth all the work.

Check Your Internet Speed And Why Your Wifi Speed Is Less Then Computer

Checking-your-broadband-speed-onlineChecking your internet speed is helpful and a good idea to do periodically. If you are having a problem downloading or opening web pages, knowing how to check internet speed is handy for troubleshooting. There many factors that affect your speed of the internet such as DNS server request and response, crowded network etc. There are many third party software's available to test your internet speed. Here are a few bandwidth speed test meters where you can check the upload and download stats and other stats too. These three are reliable compare to other bandwidth test meters. also lunched applications for different mobile platforms you can it these apps on there website. Share and compare your speed results with friends quickly and easily or get a free Account to track multiple connections.

Most of the persons known about This tool automatically connects to your server and downloads/uploads a file and calculates the average speed of download and upload and connection speed.

Why Your Mobile/Wifi Internet Speed is Less Then Computer

  • Differences in available bandwidth: Make sure that the tests don't overlap each other, as each test needs to have your entire bandwidth to itself. Additionally, make sure nothing else is downloading at the same time.

  • Differences in connection: Make sure the phone and your computer are actually testing on the same connection. You may have Wi-Fi turned off, and accidentally be testing your cellular speeds instead.

  • Differences in hardware: If you're both on a Wi-Fi connection, know that phones and tablets typically have less sophisticated Wi-Fi antennae than larger devices like laptops. Phones are can't reach the 5 Ghz frequency and supporting fewer "spatial streams" than modern laptops. These differences may negatively impact your phone's Wi-Fi speed, especially in areas of high interference on the 2.4 Ghz Wi-fi frequency. Even in ideal conditions, fastest phones may only reach 35 mbps over wifi.

Here's how to do it.

1. Close all applications before running the speed test. You don't want sluggish applications interfering with the measurement of your internet speed. Make sure your internet is connected.

2. Open your browser and in address bar write and press enter. You will also find a number of sources in Google search results.

3. and click on begin see screen shot below.


4. When speed test server complete there process it will show you complete information about your internet connection, Like Ping, Download Speed, Upload even your internet server location..

Note:- Remember there isn't a need to call your ISP (Internet Service Provider) if your speed isn't exactly what your service agreement says you have. All service varies somewhat from what's on paper. There are numerous aspects that affect internet speed. The speed of your home connection might well vary from one day to the next, and even throughout the day.

15 High Quality Free Fonts For Modern And super Cool Design

type-font-collection-by-flatau I am big fan of typography myself and was surprised I haven’t done any good font collection yet! While doing research I was shocked how many high quality fonts are available for free & now with Sifr and similar tools you can use any font in your web-design, but if you are graphic designer you get even bigger enjoyment through such detailed and beautiful fonts. Balance between readability, elegance and use fonts with artistic approach to get best out of them, really that’s all you need to do. Finding the right typeface or font for a design can be a tricky process. So it’s good to have a nice selection of fonts at your disposal. With this article, we’re tying to help you out with that and give you some typographic enjoyment. Here are free fonts that are super clean and would be great to use in your next minimal style design. Image Credit:- Flatau


1. PT Sans By ParaType 




2. PT Sans Caption By ParaType




3. PT Sans Narrow By ParaType




4. Maven Pro by Joe Prince




5. Yanone Kaffeesatz by Yanone




6. Source Sans Pro By Paul D. Hunt




7. Ubuntu, 8 Stylesby Dalton Maag




8. Ubuntu Condensed, 1 Style by Dalton Maag



9.Ubuntu Mono , 4 Styles By Dalton Maag



Note:- Above 9 Fonts we collect from google web fonts you search any font with the given name of the font and use in your online projects for free.


10. Sansation Type Face

• more than 500 glyphs
• advanced language support (including Cyrillic and Greek)
• ligatures
• oldstyle figures
• alternates (such as a usual lowercase k)
• real italics



11. Jalane Light



12. Quicksand, a free sans serif typeface



13. Multicolore Typeface




14. COM4t Nuvu Regular Typeface




15.  Bellerose Typeface



How to retrieve your deleted blog

help Posted Google email To said it has been deleted code DIGG your due complaint copyrighted or spam or violation was repeated several times ? If yes , you are not alone because he is deleted several codes on a regular basis each month , and sometimes be for reasons real may be all by mistake sometimes.
now for those who spend hours of hard work to produce the type of content -rich exclusive , must T. patience because there are several effective ways to get the code DIGG private you again even if it was deleted by working manual of by the same team blogger.

1. Before Doing Any Thing Make a Backup.

before anything make sure to make a backup copy of the comments and posts groups before taking any step . If you are able to access the account DIGG Make backup copies XML file and following the easy steps.
1. Go to your Blogger DashBoard
2. Select the Template
3. Backup / Restore
3. Download the full model. Save the template file format  XML.

2. Steps To Restore Deleted Blogger Blog.

1 . Then immediately contact the Blogger team
Fill in the  notice for the Blogger team and I remember everything clearly , but precise details . You will need to provide your name and phone number  and website address and signature ( your name). sure to fill the notice carefully. Contact Blogger Team
2 . Resume Sending Messages
If you've sent notice. I have Google and received no response within 24 hours , you may submit URL titled your blog again using this door secret :   Send an Appeal To DIGG Again

3 . Created Thread in Blogger Help Forum.

writing request at a forum Google Groups you can get a refund if the title Your query attractive subject,
you can do this: Blogger Help Forum
4 . Vsit the customer service center for Google, you can access to the Google offices operating in the country or the city. where Google is working on a general level then you will definitely like to visit the nearest customer care center.

Download Our Free Buttons For Your Website

Website Buttons Preview

Hi Every body How are you!? In this post I am going to share with You Beautiful buttons pack. In my previous post I share with you social icons you can also download social icons from download section. and today I am sharing great buttons bundle which have 10 Type Buttons Feedback, Download, Upload, Subscribe, Search, Buy now, Read More, Previous, Next, and Home that took a lot of my time in designing it. Each button has a choice of 15 color options! Downloads are available in  .png format. The dimensions are 160px by 50px. Preview and download the buttons below. If you want to increase button size so edit the cdr file and export buttons with your chosen size. In my next post I will show you how to export buttons from CorelDraw. Please post any query you may have in the comment box below. Till then take good care of yourselves and your beloved ones.

Buttons Preview

Click On Image For Large View…

Download Now

Note:- you can open .cdr only in Corel Draw Newest Version.You Can also download these icons from download section. Thanks for Reading Our Post. Happy Blogging ( Stay Mast Stay C00| My |ife My Ru|z Thumbs up)

Add Contact Form With File Upload Option To Blogger

Contact Form With File Upload Option

The contact form that I am using on this blog is from Kontractr Contact  Form and it is all free. Today we will learn to create a simple contact form with no company Ads and along with an upload option that will allow your visitors to send you files straight from your website. The files can be a text file, video, audio, pdf, gif, png, anything.  Many bloggers have already used several sites for contact form building and they have posted in-depth tutorials for this. You will be able to find quite a few of them yourself. Here is my addition. A contact form is indeed essential for a professional blog. A sign that the blog is professional. There are a number of services, which allow you to paste a customized contact form to your own blog. You may want to enable Captcha (image of numbers and letters) in your form to fight the spammers. There are people who use automated ways to contact you if you have a popular blog. So, to avoid these spams, use a captcha. In order to use Captcha, click Form Properties from More Actions menu. Check the box, Need Verification Code. Also you can set the ‘Thank You’ message here. This is my choice for professional contact forms. You can do pretty much great customization with this application. Go to emailmeform and sign up. You can start a new contact form after signing up and you can add fields to it the way you like.


Create Form with your Own Style

Once you are registered click the "Add a Form" button and choose the form builder option.

Keep your form simple with some important fields only like Name, Blog URL, Email, Age, Country, Subject, File Upload, Captcha and Message. The form builder looks like this,

Form Field Setting


1. Click the Name button in advance section
2. Next click Web site
3. Next Email
4. Next Hidden Field. Now click the hidden field section on the right and rename it as Age
5. Next click Hidden Filed again and rename it as Country
6. Next click File Upload  (Optional you can leave this option if you don't want users to send you files via email)
7. Now From the Basic section click Paragraph Text & click it to rename it as Message
8. To make a specific form option a must to fill then simply click that row and select required as shown below.

Required Field

Your Form Must Look like this…


9. Click on form title and your contact form Title Look like this…

Contact us for any feedback 
advertisement query you may have
We will catch you back as soon as time allows

10.  Now click on the file upload tab and select file format which is you are accept from user.

File Upload Options Look Like This.

File Upload Option

11. Now on the form settings choose Redirect URL and insert the page link of your thank you page.


You must Create Separate Post For Thank you Page by giving the old published date.

12.  Next click the Captcha Code at the bottom and select the none option from the left section as shown below:

2013-01-24_181453Captcha Options


13. Hit Save Button You Will See Window Like Screen Shoot Below.

Email Option

14.   Choose the second option and add a recipient email ID. Choose an ID that you often use so that whenever someone leave a message you may receive it straight in your inbox.


Write your email in add recipient : Tab and leave other options by default and hit save.



15. In Form manager Click Code


16.  Choose the HTML Only option and copy the code. Make sure to enter the URL of the page where you want to embed the contact form.

Html Code


Now Simply Copy and Paste the Html Code in to your Contact Page. to Delete emailmeform logo just remove these lines from the Html code. which is your see end of your page.

<div style="margin-top:18px;text-align:center">   <font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#000000">Powered by</font><span style="position: relative; padding-left: 3px; bottom: -5px;"><img src=   "" /></span><font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#000000">EMF</font> <a style="text-decoration:none;" href=""   target="_blank"><font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#000000">Online Poll</font></a><br />   <a style="line-height:20px;font-size:70%;text-decoration:none;" href="" target=   "_blank"><font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#000000">Report Abuse</font></a> 
<div style="margin-top:18px;text-align:center">   <font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#000000">Powered by</font><span style="position: relative; padding-left: 3px; bottom: -5px;"><img src=   "" /></span><font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#000000">EMF</font> <a style="text-decoration:none;" href=""   target="_blank"><font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#000000">Online Poll</font></a><br />   <a style="line-height:20px;font-size:70%;text-decoration:none;" href="" target=   "_blank"><font face="Verdana" size="2" color="#000000">Report Abuse</font></a>

Note: Paste the Contact Form code in Edit HTML mode only and hit the publish button on blogger Post Editor. Do not toggle to compose mode because this will collapse the form. 

The Steps are to much lengthy but Result is Very Professional so read all steps carefully. you have any trouble for this tutorial leave  your comments below in comments box. Thanks for reading our post and check out our previous Contact Form Tutorial. and subscribe our blog for daily Updates.